Tuesday, February 8, 2011

What Are Adjectives?

For those of you who are starting the review about adjectives, here is a fun new project that we are going to start. It involves a YouTube clip, a knowledge of adjectives, and some iMovie skills! The first one you should have done for homework, the second we've covered in class, and the third I can help you with if you are not sure what to do.

Here is an example of the project which I have done by using a clip from the movie "Tangled". Your finished project should look something like this, but with an added introduction, as well.

As you can see, this project involves several steps:

1.) Choose a clip from YouTube about anything, as
     long as it is appropriate for school and save it to
     your computer as an mp4 file.
2.) Import the clip into iMovie (File > Import >
3.) Select about 30 seconds worth of the clip, and
     open a new project called "What Are
     Adjectives?" Then, drag the selected clips into
     the project.
4.) Remove the audio from the clip so that there is
     no sound.
5.) Choose about 7-10 adjectives that describe
     what is going on in the clips (people, places,
     things, ideas), and put them as text into the movie where they belong.
6.) When you are finished and happy with the way your movie looks, choose music/sounds from the
     iLife Sound Effects menu and include in your movie as background music. The entire movie
     should have some kind of music or sounds.

     ****Note: Make sure that the music/sounds that you choose match the MOOD of your scenes.

7.) When you are all finished, record yourself explaining what an adjective IS, and what an adjective
     DOES. Then explain what the movie project is about. This should be about 30 seconds. Include this
     video introduction at the start of your movie. This part should NOT have music in the background!
8.) Share the movie by sending it to iTunes.

Here is a video tutorial that I made to help you with any problems that you might have:

You will then create a new post on your blog with the same title and labels as this post. Upload your finished video from iTunes and publish the post.

Good luck and have fun! I am excited to see what you guys can do!

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