Tuesday, June 7, 2011

The End of the Year...

This is it, everyone! Your last blog post of the YEAR! As excited as we all probably are about that, I'd like for you to think seriously about the questions below and give some good, thoughtful answers.

You can do this any way you like- write it, videotape yourself or make a podcast answering the questions.

What were some of your goals at the beginning of this school year, both for school as well as for your personal life?

How many of these goals do you think that you have met? Can you please explain your answers?

For the goals that you've met, what helped you to meet those goals? Were there any people who helped you meet them, as well?

For the goals that you did not meet, what stopped you from meeting those goals?

What will be some of your goals for next year, both for school as well as for your personal life?

What have you learned about yourself this year, both as a student and as a person?

Do you think your English has improved this year? Why has it or hasn't it?

Have a fantastic summer, everyone, and I will see you next year!

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Final Task: Analysis!


OK, everyone, THIS IS IT! This is your final task for our Unit of Inquiry projects, the Analysis part. This task MUST cover Criterion C and should cover Criterion D, as well.

This part of your project will be a three-paragraph writing assignment. Each paragraph must have one topic sentence and at least three supporting details. You will have the whole period to finish this post, and all posts must be finished by the end of the period in order to be scored on time.

Blog Post Title: Final Task: Analysis
Blog Post Labels: ESL, UOI, Analysis, Criterion C, (and Criterion D, if you are meeting it), Topic

Your three-paragraphs must include:

1.) A description of the Unit of Inquiry that includes the topic that you chose, as well as your essential question. Then explain why you chose the topic and essential question.

2.) A paragraph that describes the three levels of Bloom's Taxonomy that we covered (Knowledge, Comprehension, Application), and the tasks that you did for each level, including a link to each blog post on which you posted the tasks.

3.) An ending paragraph that gives your essential question, as well as answers the essential question. This will be the most important paragraph of this assignment!

Remember: Focus on writing good topic sentences and supporting details!